Now Prisma Let iOS Users Apply Artwork on Photos in Offline Mode

Prisma Update for iOS

Prisma is one of the best application to apply effects on your Photos. Prisma became very popular in a short time of period, because of its unique effects that are rare to find in any other application. However, Prisma app was useless without the internet connection, but no longer now. Prisma has released a new Update for iOS as v2.4.2, that let users apply effects in offline mode.

New Features in Latest Version of Prisma App for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

  • Apply many artworks in offline mode.
  • A new Philanthropic Style “Love”, that ask users if they want to donate $1 to Elbi charity. If you have a look at its donation Pop up, it seems Cancel option is disabled, but the it works.

Prisma Elbi Charity Donation

List of Artwork Or Prisma Style Effects that can be used in Offline

Please note that all the artworks don’t work without internet connection. Here is the list of all artworks that you can apply on your photo in offline mode.

  1. Light Summer Reading
  2. Marcus D – Lone Wolf
  3. Abstract Portrait
  4. Transverse Line
  5. The Scream
  6. Heisenberg
  7. Daryl Feril
  8. Curly Hair
  9. Mononoke
  10. Electric
  11. Dreams
  12. Gothic
  13. Tokyo
  14. Urban
  15. Love
  16. Roy

These Artwork or Effects Require Internet Connection

  1. Running in the storm
  2. Flame Flowers
  3. Illegal beauty
  4. We can do it!
  5. Composition
  6. Colored Sky
  7. #GetUrban
  8. Red Head
  9. Mondrian
  10. Caribbean
  11. Paper art
  12. Curtain
  13. Roland
  14. Femme
  15. Mosaic
  16. Candy
  17. Udnie
  18. Tears
  19. Wave

There are 35 artworks in Prisma app, and you can apply 16 of them in offline mode, but rest 19 still require internet connection. Prisma may let users apply more effects in offline mode in the next update.

Download Latest Version of Prisma App for iOS Devices

Android users still need internet connection to use all the effects. Prisma app for Android was updated On August 24, and it brought the ELBI (Love) artwork option, and users started seeing $1 donation pop up. The next Prisma update for Android may bring this offline feature for Android users as well.

Related; Remove Watermark from Prisma App