How to add shortcuts to Android Phone’s Notification Bar?
The notification bar of Android smartphones just offers icons that allow us access to both as the notifications settings of our device. The problem is that there is no official way to add shortcuts of installed applications on the notification bar. If we can do this, it would be an added convenience for users who want to access their own applications from the notification bar.
Luckily, there is an alternative in the form of application that allows you to add shortcuts of your installed applications directly to the notification bar. Here we indicate what application we are talking about, and also detailed step by step how to configure it to enjoy a more comfortable and affordable navigation? The only essential requirement for this tutorial is to have a device with the Android operating system and Internet to download the app.
Adding shortcuts to the Android notification bar We must first download and install a free application on your terminal called Bar Launcher. This application is available on this link:
Once the app is installed, we open the application. The first thing you see is a screen, in the upper right, a button appears gray color that can be turned on or off. We must turn it on to get the benefit of this application. Then we tap on the icon “+” which is at the bottom right of the screen. This button is what allows us to add application shortcuts to the notification bar. taping on this icon will display us a list of all applications installed on your terminal. We simply choose one at a time applications that we want to display in our notification bar. If you want to add more rows to the notification bar, simply tap on the top right side of the display (three dots kind of icon), and then tap on add row. No matter the order in which we add shortcuts, because we can change them from the app as well.
If you wish to change the position of the shortcut (changing the order), you can simply tap on the top left hand side (a three line kind of icon), and then tap on the app or the row you have added, then hold the app with finger and drag and drop it where you wish.
When you finish adding all the shortcuts we simply exit the application and, if we followed the steps correctly, our notification bar will reflect for sure when you swipe down from the top of the screen to see the notification. If we want to completely erase any shortcuts, we simply tap on the name of the application to slide to the right.