A complete list of rclone commands
Rclone is a great tool that helps you to transfer data between Local Computer and Cloud, but this tool is mostly used by users who want to transfer or sync data between 2 cloud storage.
Today we have brought you a complete list of Commands that you can use to sync data between local computers to the cloud or even cloud to cloud (remote storage to remote storage).
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/
To copy a file from a local directory to a remote:
rclone copy /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/
To copy a directory from a local directory to a remote:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory:
rclone copy remote:directory/* /path/to/local/directory/
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/* remote:directory/
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and show the transfer progress:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --progress
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and show the transfer progress:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --progress
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and verify the checksum:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --checksum
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and verify the checksum:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --checksum
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and preserve the timestamp:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --no-update-modtime
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and preserve the timestamp:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --no-update-modtime
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and preserve the ownership and permissions:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --no-traverse --no-check-dest --no-update-modtime --no-modtime --no-chmod --no-chown
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and preserve the ownership and permissions:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --no-traverse --no-check-dest --no-update-modtime --no-modtime --no-chmod --no-chown
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and compress it:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --compress
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and compress it:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --compress
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and limit the transfer speed:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and limit the transfer speed:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --exclude ".txt"
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --exclude ".txt"
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --include ".jpg"
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include ".jpg"
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and delete it from the remote:
rclone move remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and delete it from the remote:
rclone move remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and delete it from the remote if the transfer is successful:
rclone move remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-empty-src-dirs
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and delete it from the remote if the transfer is successful:
rclone move remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-empty-src-dirs
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and rename it:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_name.txt
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and rename it:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/new_directory/
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and create a new directory for it:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/new_directory/
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and create a new directory for it:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/new_directory/
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and show detailed transfer information:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --stats 5s
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and show detailed transfer information:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --stats 5s
To copy a file from a remote to a local directory and retry the transfer if it fails:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --retries 3 --low-level-retries 10
To copy a directory from a remote to a local directory and retry the transfer if it fails:
rclone copy remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --retries 3 --low-level-retries 10
To mount a remote as a local file system and show hidden files:
rclone mount remote:directory/ /path/to/mount/point/ --allow-other --dir-cache-time 24h --vfs-cache-mode full --vfs-cache-max-age 48h --vfs-cache-max-size 500M --attr-timeout 1s --cache-dir /path/to/cache/dir --rc --rc-no-auth --rc-addr :5572
To mount a remote as a local file system and set the mount point as read-only:
rclone mount remote:directory/ /path/to/mount/point/ --read-only --allow-other
To mount a remote as a local file system and limit the transfer rate for the mount point:
rclone mount remote:directory/ /path/to/mount/point/ --allow-other --vfs-read-chunk-size 16M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 2G --bwlimit 1M
To unmount a remote that is mounted as a local file system:
fusermount -u /path/to/mount/point/
To list all files in a remote directory:
rclone ls remote:directory/
To list all files in a local directory:
rclone ls /path/to/local/directory/
To delete a file from a remote:
rclone delete remote:file.txt
To delete a directory from a remote:
rclone delete remote:directory/
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and delete it from the remote:
rclone move remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-empty-src-dirs
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and delete it from the remote:
rclone move remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-empty-src-dirs
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and delete it from the local directory:
rclone move /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --delete-empty-src-dirs
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and delete it from the local directory:
rclone move /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --delete-empty-src-dirs
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and preserve the timestamp:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --no-update-modtime
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and preserve the timestamp:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --no-update-modtime
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and limit the transfer speed:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and limit the transfer speed:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and limit the transfer speed:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and limit the transfer speed:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --exclude "*.txt"
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --exclude "*.txt"
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --exclude "*.txt"
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --exclude "*.txt"
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and show the transfer progress:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --progress
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and show the transfer progress:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --progress
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and show the transfer progress:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --progress
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and show the transfer progress:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --progress
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and verify the checksum:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --checksum
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and verify the checksum:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --checksum
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and verify the checksum:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --checksum
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and verify the checksum:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --checksum
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --ignore-existing
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --ignore-existing
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --ignore-existing
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --ignore-existing
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and overwrite the destination file if it is newer:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --update
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and overwrite the destination file if it is newer:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --update
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and overwrite the destination file if it is newer:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --update
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and overwrite the destination file if it is newer:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --update
To sync a file from a remote to a local directory and keep a backup of the destination file:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/ --backup-dir /path/to/backup/dir/
To sync a directory from a remote to a local directory and keep a backup of the destination file:
rclone sync remote:directory/ /path/to/local/directory/ --backup-dir /path/to/backup/dir/
To sync a file from a local directory to a remote and keep a backup of the destination file:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/ --backup-dir /path/to/backup/dir/
To sync a directory from a local directory to a remote and keep a backup of the destination file:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:directory/ --backup-dir /path/to/backup/dir/
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and show detailed transfer information:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --verbose
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and show detailed transfer information:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --verbose
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and show detailed transfer information:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --verbose
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and show detailed transfer information:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --verbose
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-after
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-after
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --delete-after
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --delete-after
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and compare the checksum of source and destination files before copying:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --checksum
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and compare the checksum of source and destination files before copying:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --checksum
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and compare the checksum of source and destination files before copying:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --checksum
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and compare the checksum of source and destination files before copying:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --checksum
To copy a single file from a remote to a local directory:
rclone copy remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/
To copy a single file from a local directory to a remote:
rclone copy /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/
To sync a single file from a remote to a local directory:
rclone sync remote:file.txt /path/to/local/directory/
To sync a single file from a local directory to a remote:
rclone sync /path/to/local/file.txt remote:directory/
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --exclude "*.txt"
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and include only files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --include "*.jpg"
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and preserve file attributes such as timestamps and permissions:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --preserve-attributes
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and preserve file attributes such as timestamps and permissions:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --preserve-attributes
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and preserve file attributes such as timestamps and permissions:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --preserve-attributes
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and preserve file attributes such as timestamps and permissions:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --preserve-attributes
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and limit the transfer speed:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and limit the transfer speed:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --bwlimit 1M
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and limit the transfer speed:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --bwlimit 1M
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and limit the transfer speed:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --bwlimit 1M
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --ignore-existing
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --ignore-existing
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --ignore-existing
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and skip files that have already been transferred:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --ignore-existing
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and skip files that are smaller than a specified size:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --min-size 10M
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and skip files that are smaller than a specified size:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --min-size 10M
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and skip files that are smaller than a specified size:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --min-size 10M
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and skip files that are smaller than a specified size:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --min-size 10M
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and skip files that are larger than a specified size:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --max-size 100M
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and skip files that are larger than a specified size:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --max-size 100M
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and skip files that are larger than a specified size:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --max-size 100M
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and skip files that are larger than a specified size:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --max-size 100M
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and display progress information:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --progress
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and display progress information:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --progress
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and display progress information:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --progress
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and display progress information:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --progress
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --max-age 1h
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --max-age 1h
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --max-age 1h
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --max-age 1h
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --min-age 1d
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --min-age 1d
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --min-age 1d
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --min-age 1d
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that match a pattern:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --include "*.jpg"
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-after
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --delete-after
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --delete-after
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and delete files from the destination that do not exist in the source:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --delete-after
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --max-age 1h
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --max-age 1h
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified within a specified time:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --max-age 1h
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --min-age 1d
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --min-age 1d
To copy all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone copy /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --min-age 1d
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that have been modified before a specified time:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --min-age 1d
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --exclude "*.txt"
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and only copy files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --include "*.jpg"
To sync all files from a local directory to a remote and only copy files that match a pattern:
rclone sync /path/to/local/directory/ remote:/ --include "*.jpg"
To copy all files from a remote to a local directory and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone copy remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --exclude "*.txt"
To sync all files from a remote to a local directory and exclude files that match a pattern:
rclone sync remote:/ /path/to/local/directory/ --exclude "*.txt"
Did I miss any?
I may have missed some. If so, please let us know. If you know need help with any kind of customization or you need to ask a question. Feel free to drop us a line to me@zoheb.org