Free Dictionary App For Android and iOS For Offline Usage

Dictionary Applications are always suitable when someone is accommodating to a life in a new country, learning the latest words, or checking out the meaning of new few words that are unable to understand, etc. Therefore, it is always useful to have a dictionary at hand. However, the problem is how one can carry the dictionary all the time. There are many dictionary apps that can be installed on a smartphone, but many of them require an internet connection. Sometimes it could almost be impossible to connect to the internet when you are traveling. That is why having offline dictionary application sounds perfect for installation. After searching via various dictionary applications available on the application stores, we have found the top 5 dictionary apps for Android and iOS devices.

Best Free Dictionary Apps for iPhone and Android That Works without the Internet Connection

  • Merriam-Webster


It is the most popular dictionary application for Android and iPhone users, which is developed by An American, based publishing company that publishes dictionaries, books, etc. This dictionary consists of multiple definitions of any English word along with synonyms, antonyms, and usage of that word. It works offline, which means there is no need of internet connection for its utilization. This application comes up with an advance-searching feature, i.e. Voice search feature, which makes easy for users to search and get the meaning of that required word. The app also includes some games and fun quizzes that are very useful to learn new words. The word of the day feature of this app will help you learn a new word every day. If you are not sure how to pronounce a word, you can still take the help of this app. It includes pronunciation of each word. You can favorite those words you are always confused about, and can also see the history of all recent words you have searched.

Download Merriam-Webster Dictionary Now : iOS Devices   |   Android Devices

  • Dictionary.Com


It is another English dictionary application that works without internet connectivity. Like Merriam-Webster, it also comes with many great features, e.g. Pronunciation of words, Word of the day, Voice Search, Quizzes, and it also allows favoriting words and seeing the history of search terms. This app can also be used to see the origin of a word. It also includes a translator that can be used to translate any sentence into 30 languages. The home page of the app includes articles and sliders to help users learn new things.

Download the app now : iOS Devices   |   Android Devices

  • WordWeb Dictionary


This dictionary application is one of the best thesaurus application for android and iOS devices. It contains multiple English words along with their definitions, synonyms, meanings, and usage. Users can easily find the meaning of any word by typing it directly into the search box. Internet connectivity isn’t required to utilize this application. Moreover, the search field comes with 2 options; Look Up and Search. Look Up option can be used to find all type of words, and Search Option allows users to select a category (e.g. Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Other etc.) and then initiate a search. It will help finding the most relevant result.

Download Word Web Now : iOS Devices   |   Android Devices


Don’t get confused because I won’t ask you to visit TheFreeDictionary.Com website. The website also allows finding the meaning of words, but you can download the application to have quick access. The website needs an internet connection, but the app works offline without any issue. The app includes meanings, thesaurus, synonymous, medical terms, idioms, slangs etc.. The app also includes a translator that you can use to translate English sentences into 40 different languages. As you type the word in the search field, it starts showing suggestions for easy look up. Along with meaning, it also includes Audio pronunciations, Example sentences, Etymologies etc.. There are some other features, e.g. Word of the day, idiom of the day. You can also improve your vocabulary with some integrated educational fun games within the app. The ad-supported version of the app is free, and you want to remove ad, use in-app purchase option that will cost you $1.99

Download this dictionary app now : iOS Devices   | Android Devices

  • English Dictionary – Offline (For Android Devices)

This app from Livio is very useful to find meaning and definition of words. Definitions on the dictionary are based on English Wiktionary. You can use the search option to find the meaning of any word quickly, save bookmarks, and go through your search history. Bookmarks and history can be exported or shared. It also includes the pronunciation of words and translation of the word in some other languages. Random word feature within the app can help you learn new words. You can increase or decrease the font size, and also change the theme color. If you type the wrong spelling of a word, it will show the result as the word not found, but will also give you suggestions.

Download the App Now From PlayStore

  • English Dictionary – Offline (iOS Devices)


This app is available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. This app includes over 172,000 words, 180,000 senses, and 49,000 sentences. Like other apps, this app also includes basic features, like sound pronunciations, bookmarks, history etc.. The Flash card feature of the app can be used to learn new words, and you can also create your own custom flash cards. When you search a word, you will also be able to see the list of regular and irregular verbs. Along with dictionary feature, the app is very useful if you want to learn grammar. It includes many lessons of English Grammar.

Get the app on Apple Store

  • Kiwix, Wikipedia offline


What do you think about Wikipedia? It’s amazing, isn’t it? Wikipedia is the trusted source to find definitions of any terms. How about downloading Wikipedia for offline use. Well, everyone cannot afford to download offline Wikipedia. The app includes large, really large files that will require you to have so much free storage. If you have over 128GB or more storage on your smartphone, then you can try. It does give you the option to choose the type of files you want to download. There are some small files as well, but to get the full experience, you need so much of storage. This is why we have listed this app at the end of the article even it is awesome. Along with storage, it will also consume lots of your data that a user with a limited data plan cannot afford to spend on a single app.

Download Kiwix Now : iOS Users   |   Android Users


All the dictionary apps we have listed in this article works offline, and you can try them and use the one you feel the best for you. If you don’t have time to test all applications, or you don’t want to install multiple dictionary apps on your device, I would recommend using Merriam-Webster app. It’s an old and trusted dictionary app that we all know about. You can look up by typing or use voice search option, see the word origin, words’ meaning, examples, synonymous, antonymous, listen to sound pronunciation, play educational game etc.. I don’t think that you can find that many features in any free offline dictionary app.