Copy and Paste Symbols on Mac, PCs, iPhone and Android
There are times when we need to type a certain type of symbol, special character, arrow sign etc., and we can’t find it on our computer, smartphone or tablet. In such case, we keep looking for those symbols on the internet so that we can use them. So we have got a solution for all the users.
This website contains these;
- Symbols
- Special Characters
- Emojis
- Arrow Signs
- Punctuations
- Numbers
- Mathematical Symbols
- Graphics and Geometric shapes
- Currency Signs
How to Copy and Paste Symbols or Special Characters?
Mac and PC Users
- Select a category depending on the type of symbol you are looking for, and then follow these steps to copy.
- Copy One Symbol : Click on any symbol, and it will be copied automatically.
- Copy Multiple Symbols Together : Press alt key from the Keyboard, and keep clicking on as many symbols as you want to copy.
- Paste : Once you have copied symbol(s), you can paste anywhere, e.g. email, document, chat, social media, and so on…
Android and iPhone Users
Smartphones and Tablet users need to copy the same way they copy any text because click to copy option required Flash Player that a standard iOS and Android browser lacks. Tap on any symbol and hold for a while, then click on Copy option/icon. Once copied, you can paste anywhere you like (tap on any document. email etc. and hold until you get paste option, then click paste.)
Alternative methods
How to Get Symbols and Special Characters
Windows Users
- Method 1 : Press Command+R to bring Run option, type charmap, and hit Enter or click on OK button.
- Method 2 : Type Character Map in the search field on Windows computer, and you will find it. Press Enter or Click on Character Map to launch.
Mac OS X and macOS users
- Method 1 : Press ctrl+cmd+SpaceKey, and emoji and symbol will pop on the screen. Now you can browse, and use anywhere you like. Click twice on any symbol or special character to use. You will find almost everything you need, whether you are looking for degree symbol, Cross sign or Copyright symbol.
- Method 2 : Click on Edit option in the menu bar and select Emoji & Symbols option.