Depositphotos: A Perfect Place to Find Royalty Free Stock Photos, Vectors, and Videos

Depositphotos is one of the most popular websites that provide Royalty Free Stock Photos, Vector Images, and Videos in various categories. There are even licensing options if you want to get full control of images.

Depositphotos was started in 2009 and managed to have a collection of around 1 million photos by March 2009. It grew very fast in the last 10 years and now there are over 100 millions of media stock photos, videos, and vector images that you can download. The website is available in 20 languages to make it properly accessible by users who don’t understand the English language or understand a little.

All the images and video files are available in various sizes. You can select the size that fits your need. Here is a screenshot to have a look. It ranges from Small to Extra Large sizes.

download option

How to Look For Images on Depositphotos?

If you are not looking for something specific, then you can choose a category to browse all the images of any specific category. Go to the bottom of the home page on, select a category and start browsing.


If you have something specific in mind, you can either search typing in the search field or Upload the kind of image you want using the Camera icon in the Search box.

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Depositphotos Subscription Options

The subscription for Depositphotos starts from $9.99 each month or $99 each year that includes 10 hi-res images and vectors downloads compared to $49/month or $348/year for the same amount of stock photos offered by ShutterStock. There are other subscription options as well that allows you a limited number of downloads for a fixed price. Here is a quick view of subscription fees.


Business Plan: If you own a business and want a certain number of team members to have access to downloads, then you can go for the business Subscription.

If you want to customize Subscription, you can always contact Depositphotos’ support team to customize the plan according to your need.  The pricing mentioned above is for photos and vectors only. If you want to subscribe to video downloading plan, you can select the Videos tab. The video Subscription for Individuals starts from $19 and it increases based on quality and the number of videos you want to download.

video download

License Type

There are 2 types of License available for Images and Videos to download from Depositphotos: Standard License and Extended License. The standard License can be used if you want to use the image on Magazines, Books etc., but won’t sell more than 500K copies. If you want unlimited access then you need to go for Extended License. This is not the only difference between Standard and Extended license, so you should check the full comparison chart here to understand. The extended License costs more than a normal subscription. So you should first think about the purpose of using images, then decide what license term suits you the best.

There are some free images and videos too that you can download without any subscription fee. If you are a photographer and want to contribute, you can go to the bottom of the website and select Become a Contributor option and follow the screen’s prompt.