Facebook launches Facebook Lite app for Android to save data

Facebook Lite App for Android

Facebook Lite app for Android is a brand new app from Facebook to save data, load the page more quickly and improve users’ experience. The app weighs less than 1 MB, and it works on all version of Android phones.

If you were spending most of the data using Facebook or paying more to get enough data just because you use Facebook a lot, then Facebook Lite app is the solution for you.

If you can’t access Facebook in your area, because you have only 2G connection that makes the browsing experience worst or the connection is not stable, then you can install the Facebook Lite app on your Android phone and speed up the page loading time for Facebook.

Facebook Lite app includes almost all important functions what you love to do on Facebook, like news feed, notifications, status updates, you can also share posts and photos, send message to your friends separately or enjoy group conversation. If you play games and use apps on Facebook, that will not work on Facebook Lite app and you will require to download the full app.

Facebook Lite App for Android users

Facebook Lite app is available for Android only, Facebook has said no word about other platforms, like iOS, Windows and Blackberry.

Facebook Lite app for Android can help you save huge on data, especially when you are traveling somewhere and the carrier charges you more when you use data in roaming.

Facebook Lite app for Android is available in countries across Asia, and over the coming weeks they will make it available in Latin America, Africa and Europe.

Want to download now? Here you are : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.lite&hl=en