Best Free WordPress Contact Us Form Creator Plugin With Google reCaptcha, and Step-by-step Setup Guide

When you look for a contact us plugin under WordPress Admin panel, you will find many of them. However, some of them are not free, some comes with limited features and some allows to receive only a limited number of emails. I will tell you a plugin that is completely free, and it doesn’t have any premium option so far.

The best free WordPress Contact Us Form Creator Plugin

Free & Simple Contact Form Plugin – PirateForms

Pirate Forms has been developed by Themeisle, and it is free to download and use. You can search Under WordPress Admin Panel with this word “PirateForms” without the quotes, and you will find it. If you face any trouble finding this free contact form plugin, you can download here.


Features of Pirate Forms Plugin

  1. Unlimited access for free, no limitation.
  2. Let you use Google reCaptcha easily (optional).
  3. Comes with short code to add contact us form Within Page, Post or under theme’s file.
  4. Type a auto reply messages that senders receive to their email after form submission.
  5. Let you redirect visitors to any specific page after form submission.
  6. You can choose to make form fields mandatory or optional, and also rename the fields.
  7. Set a customized error message to show if form is not filled properly.
  8. Use SMTP feature to send Emails (Optional).

How to Setup Contact Us Form plugin (Pirate Forms) and reCaptcha for WordPress Blog or Website

  • Search PirateForms plugin under Admin Panel, Install it and Activate.


  • Once activated, click on Settings (located on the left sidebar), and then click Pirate Forms.


  • Now you will be on the Settings page where you can see the short code and php code for Pirate Forms plugin.
  • Select Options tab, and fill the details, and click Save Changes. Here is the explanation of the fields;


  1. Contact Notification Sender email : You must type an email address that has your domain name. For example, I am adding the form on TechGrapple.Com blog, so the email must have, else your website will show an error after form submission.
  2. Contact Submission Recipients : Enter an email address where you want to receive the detail submitted by users.
  3. Store Submissions in the Database : If you enable this option, forms submission will be saved in the Admin area. There is no need to enable if you just want to receive submitted detail via email.
  4.  Add a nonce to the Contact Form : Enabling this option can help you prevent spam by not letting anyone submit remotely, but it can create trouble with the cached pages. So it’s not very useful when you are already going to enable reCaptcha.
  5. Send email confirmation to form submitter : Type the message that you want the form submitters to receive to their email address after they submit the form.
  6. “Thank You” URL : Select a page where form submitters will be redirected after submission. You need to Add a new page to your blog with the message you want form submitters to read after they submit the form. For example, in the screenshot above, I have created a page “Your Message Is Sent”, and then I selected as “Thank You URL.” Now all the form submitters will be redirected to that page after successful form submission.
  • After completing Option section, select Field Settings, and fill the details. You can select which field is mandatory (required)/optional (Yes but not required).


  • Enable reCaptcha if you want to use Google reCaptcha to prevent spam. Click on “Create an account here” option given there, and then you will be taken to Google where you need to login with your Google ID and Password. Enter a name for reCaptcha (Label), and type Domain name (e.g. You can type multiple domain names (one each line). There is no need to add sub domain, same keys can be used with subdomains too. Click on Register option to get the code.


  • Now you will get the Site Key and Secret Key. 


  • Copy Key from here, go back to your WordPress Pirate Forms Settings, and paste each key one by one. Make sure reCaptcha option is enabled.
  • Tick “Add a attachment field” if you want form submitters to attach file as well. Then Click Save Changes.


  • Select Field Labels tab. You can rename the fields here if you want. However, that’s not really necessary, because it comes with the most suitable names.Don’t forget to click Save Changes option if you make any change.


  • Select Alert Messages tab, and fill the detail. Here you can type the messages that Form Submitters will see if they don’t fill the form properly. Successful Submission Text : If you have set up a Thank You page, that we explained above, there is no importance of this field. If you haven’t set any Thank You Page, type a message that you want form submitters to see after successful form submission. Then click on Save Changes.


  • Select SMTP option. Make sure all the fields are empty and no option is ticked. (Note : You can fill detail if you have SMTP email account, and you really know what you are doing), and then hit Save Changes option.


  • Now Create a new page, add a title for Contact Us Page (e.g. Contact Us), enter little description if you want, and add this short code : Pirate forms.
  • Save/Publish the page, and you are done. You have created a contact us page successfully with reCaptcha.


Here is how a Contact us page looks like.



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