Share your funny FML stories among other users on FMyLife
Bad events are part of lives, and sometimes we get so annoyed and frustrated, and say “FML.” FML is not a new word that you have read or heard for the first time. However, here is a short explanation of “FML.”
What does FML Mean?
FML is a slang word that stands for Fuck My Life.
FML is used when something bad happens in your lives. People may say Fuck My Life when they are angry, or upset about something. For example; FML, She was already engaged when I purposed her. Another example; I can’t even crack an interview, FML.
If you think that bad things happen to you only, it’s not like that. You can join other people to find out what’s going on in their lives, and what events are making them think/say Fuck My Life (FML).
Share your FML Stories on FMyLife
FMyLife.Com get over 4 million hits every month, and most of the visitors are from United States. This websites is a perfect place for those who want to share bad events of their lives among other users. The website is free to use, but it requires you to register. Once you are logged in, you can start sharing your FML stories, but do keep these points in your mind;
- FMyLife Website is a fun place.
- People usually share bad events that are kind of funny, and it may make you even laugh. No one goes on a social website to share anything related to personal life.
- Everything you share on FMyLife is public, and other users can read it, copy it, and share it on other social media.
- You are allowed to type maximum 300 characters each post.
- All the stories your share goes through moderation. So if you are sharing something silly that doesn’t relate to FML, may not be published. Do remember to select the right category while posting.
What happens when you share your FML Stories on FMyLife.Com
When you share a story on FMyLife, users get the option to vote. Depending on the story, voting options may be different. Some of them are as follows;
- I agree, your life sucks. This option will always be there on the left to vote. The option on the right may change depending on post.
- (1) You deserved it (2) That could’ve happened to me (3) But It didn’t (4) Phew, glad it wasn’t me, or may be some other options you may find on the right side to vote. However, First and 2nd are the most common.
- Along with voting, you can also comment. You need to click a story on the home page, and then you will get the comment option on the other page, and will also be able to see comments from other users.
FML Photos
Along with stories, you can also share hilarious photos. FML also shows FML Approved seal if your photo is really hilarious. The photo could be about you, someone else, or about a location. However, you need to be respectful to others, don’t try to hurt someone emotionally or mentally.
If you don’t want to go on FMyLife via an internet browser, you can also download their free app. The app is available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone users.
Download link for Windows Phone