Get Hand-Picked Premium Stock Images on Focused Collection

Focused Collection is created by Depositphotos that provides Stock Images for every need. However, you may get little confused, because Depositphotos deals in Stock Images as well. The primary reason to create Focused Collection is to filter premium content to help buyers find the best stock images quickly. Depositphotos provides monthly as well as yearly subscription, but Focused Collection doesn’t have any subscription option. You need to pay for each image separately.

Focused Collection provides images from premium authors only who have received enough appreciation for their images. All the stock images provided by Focused Collection are hand-picked so that you don’t have to spend hours finding the right one. This is one of the reasons you have to get each of them separately. If you want the regular Subscription, you can always visit Depositphotos.

Finding Premium Stock Images on Focused Collection

The home comes with the search option that is the first feature you will notice when you visit the website. If you are looking for something specific, you can always type a few letters in search and get suggestions, or just type exactly what you like and hit Enter key to find images.

focused collection search

You can customize Search result even further by choosing the color, orientation, category etc.. It will filter the result accordingly to show the best-matched content.


If there isn’t anything certain you are looking for or you want to explore the images of any specific category, then you should scroll down to the bottom when you are on the homepage and check the category options. Select the desired category to explore premium stock images.

category of stock images

Pricing and Licensing

The pricing for Premium Stock Images available on Focused Collection starts from $49 for small sizes. Most of the images are priced at $49 for Small Size, $199 for Large Size, and $449 for Extra Large. However, Some images cost even higher. So don’t assume the mentioned price is fixed for all the images.

The Small and Large Images come with Standard License that can be used on websites or blogs with an unlimited number of visitors. However, if you want to print it or use on a hard copy of magazines, you are restricted to issue a maximum of 500,000 copies. The Extra Large Images come with Enhanced License that allows unlimited issues or printing. It can even be further customized for more flexibility. You can visit the licensing agreement page for more detail. Here is a quick view of its pricing and add-ons.


So if you are working on any project and need some premium stock images, you can explore FocusedCollection.Com, to find photos captured and edited by premium photographers. Along with English, the website is available in other 7 languages. You can select a language from the top left corner.