Listen Millions of Ad-free Music on GoldenMP3 or MusicMp3 Website
When we want to listen to music for free, YouTube is the first option that hits our mind, because it comes with minimal ad on the screen, and doesn’t annoy with pop-ups. However, you are still forced to watch ad before the music starts. There are many ways to convert YouTube to Mp3, but you will have to download the file. There are other websites to enjoy free music, but you may get annoyed because of so many pop-up ads. So today we have brought 2 websites for you where you can listen music online for free.
1. GoldenMP3 (
Works on all platforms, including Mac, PCs, iPhone and Android
It could be the first time that you may heard of this site, but this site is very popular in the United Kingdom. This site actually offers music downloading service that is not free. However, before you download any album of music, you can play to test. You can play any music as many times as you want, and they won’t charge even a single penny for it. You will have to pay when you want to download any song or Album.
Here is how GoldenMP3 Free Music Streaming Works
- Visit
- Type the song/album/artist name in the search field if you are looking for any specific music, or hit the Browse Music option. Browse Music Option allows to look for the song by Genre, Artist, Album etc.
- Here is an example how the search result looks like when you use Search Option to Search the songs of an Specific Artist. I tried to Search the songs of Lana Del Rey, and it showed me the list of albums
- The result is showing the album name and the pricing to download full Album
- Now when you hit any of the album, you will get the list of full songs from that particular album
- The pricing for each song download has been mentioned close to Download button, but you don’t need to click there
- Click the Play icon, and the music will start playing
- If you Play the first song from the list, it will keep playing rest of them automatically (one by one)
- The only thing that you may not like; you can’t forward the song at any point, you will have to listen to it from the start to end. If you want to listen to the next song, you will have to click another song manually, or wait for one song to finish, and the next will play itself
If you want to download songs/Albums from this website, you should get package. They have got various packages to download songs that give you access to download a limited number of songs for a certain amount. For Example, 2o Euro allow to download 210 songs, and you can choose to download any song available on their website. Click here to check the full pricing detail. They also have the option to Send Gift Card to your friends and family. Sending and redeeming gift card option is located on the bottom of the page on their website. Gift Card will allow your friends to download music for free.
MusicMp3 (
Works on All Platform, but this one is the Best for Smartphones and Tablets
The user interface of MusicMp3 website is much better than GoldenMP3. If you are using a mobile devices, like iPhone or Android, you should prefer MusicMP3 to GoldenMP3.
MusicMP3 website also works the same way. You can search by artist/song/album name, and start playing music for free. This website doesn’t have a next or forward button to skip a song. However, when you play a song, it will play rest of the songs itself (one by one). You need to wait for the one song completion, and next will play automatically. Alternatively, you can play the next song manually. You are free to play as many song as you want as long as you don’t want to download. If you hit the buy option, it will redirect you to GoldenMP3. They may be affiliated with GoldenMp3 or the both websites are run by the same person/organization.