Update: Google Adsense : How to make more money with Ads

Earn more money with adsense

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the best ad network that each and every blogger and website owner should try. Google provides 68% revenue share for Adsense for Content, and 51% for Adsense for search. Well, you may find many ad networks that claim to give you 80% or even more, but that’s not real. Google approves even low traffic website as long as your site publishes original content, and is not involved in fake traffic and spam. Google Adsense is the only network that fills over 95% of your ad inventory.

If you have blocked by Google Adsense in the past, you can try again after a couple of months to get approval. Please read our article “Google Blocked my Adsense” to get the clear picture what you shouldn’t do while running Adsense on your blog.

How to make more money serving Google Adsense Ads

All want to earn more money from their Ad Network, but there are many things that you need to understand and implement. Anyone can copy and paste the ad tag, but only smart people knows how to increase the revenue. Follow these steps to get the most of Google Adsense.

1. High earning banners

When you create a new banner, you are shown the recommended ad banners first. Why does Google do that? Google wants you to earn more, and this will make them earn more as well. So it’s a win-win situation. I have done multiple tests for a couple of months, and I found 336 x 280 banner to beat all the rest. Responsive Banner holds the second position in earning that changes the shape according to devices, and 300 x 600 is the top third earner. 300 X 600 and 336 x 280 both have the capabilities to serve 300 x 250 banner.  728 x 90 is also good, but a responsive banner does much better if you have many visitors coming from mobile devices. If you don’t want to serve 336 x 280 for any reason, you must use 300 x 250 banner.

Ad Banners

2. Mobile Optimized Ads

Have you ever tried to check how many of total visitors visit your website from Mobile Devices? Don’t get surprised if the ratio is 50-50 or even 60-50. Google has added a new ad type for Mobile Devices that doesn’t count in your ad limit. Such ads are called Page-Level Ads. We have already discussed Page Level Ads in detail. Page Level Ads serves Mobile Optimized Ads, and it will certainly help to earn more money with Adsense.

3. Number of Ads

Google Allows to serve a maximum of 3 Adsense for content (banner ads) + Up to 3 Link Units + Up to 2 Adsense for search + Page-Level Ads for Mobile that we just told above.

It doesn’t mean that you need to reach the maximum limit of ad serving. So many ads on your website will make it look awkward, and users may leave your site. The primary concern should be on content. If you have informative content on the website, users will come for sure. It depends on the page/article size, and it’s only you who can decide how many ads will look fair. Don’t think like a Blogger, but a user.

4. Ad Placement

Where do you think your ad gets more hits? Neither it’s header, nor sticky footer ads. Most of the clicks are generated from the ads that you serve within the content. If the article is long enough, you can add two banners within the content. If it’s short, use the banner in the middle of the article. If you don’t want to use ad code manually, just set three banners as ; one for the header, one for the sidebar, one for the middle of the article,  and you may use a link ad at the end of the article. Don’t forget to turn on page-level ads that will be served on mobile pages only.

5. Use Adsense’s Matched Content

Matched content Adsense Units are not counted towards your Adsense Ads limit. When you add Matched content units on your website, it shows other related articles from your blog. It helps to increase users’ engagement that will help to boost Adsense RPM and CPM. When visitors visit multiple pages, CTR rate may also increase.

Update : Google now allows publishers to display sponsored ads within matched content unit. It will show related posts from your blog along with a couple of ads. You can keep serving other banners along with matched content unit.

6. Write Keyword-rich Articles

The most common question that you may find on many websites, forums, and social media network; “I get so many clicks, but makes a little money.” Why do you think it happens? The answer to this question is; Check the visitors’ source. If most of the visitors are coming directly to your website, or from social media, click won’t generate good revenue. You need to work on Keywords. Target high CPC keyword, and work on it to rank your blog in Search Engine. This is the only key to get the best from Adsense. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner to check CPC and Search Volume. If you don’t know what keyword to check, Find some websites that are similar to yours, and use SEMRushThis is the best tool to check whole keywords of any websites, find some with low competition and high traffic, and work on them. Their premium subscription is worth enough to pay because there is no alternative that covers as much keyword as SEMRush does. If you want to test, try putting the domain in the below field, e.g. techgrapple.com

7. Use Adsense for Search

Adsense for search allows you to put a maximum of 2 Search Boxes each page on your website. This search box allows users to search anything within your site (or from the web that is optional to choose). When any visitors search anything on your blog, he/she gets the relevant result along with a couple of ads at the top, just like you see while searching anything on Google Search Engine. Here is an example of Adsense for Search Result.

Adsense for Search

How to Add Adsense for Search on your website or Blog

  • Visit Google Adsense, Login with your ID and Password
  • Click My Ads, and then hit Search option

Adsense for Search on Google Adsense

  • Click + New Custom Search Engine

New Custom Search

  • Name your Ad unit
  • Select whether you want the search result to appear from the entire web, or select “only sites I select” to limit the search result to appear only form those sites you choose
  • Enter the Keywords. Separate keywords with comma, e.g. iPhone 7, MacBook Air, Make Money etc.. Try to use several keywords for better result
  • You can use other available customization options. Once you are done, with customization, click Save and get code
  • Add the code to your website where you want the Search Box to appear (don’t remove Google Branding from the search box)

Google for Search custom

8. Join Ezoic to optimize Adsense and Earn from Impression


Even with more clicks and enough traffic if you think your site is not generating good revenue, you must give Ezoic a try. If you have heard this name first time, let me explain a little bit. Ezoic is certified by Google, and have helped many publishers to earn more revenue. When you join them, they take Adsense code and optimize them to get the best result. Along with Adsense ads, they also give the option to join Google’s Ad Exchange Program and earn from impressions (CPM).

Join Ezoic for free

Note : If your receive organic traffic, AdExchange program may decrease the revenue. Never join CPM Ad networks if most of the traffic to your website is being driven by Search Engine. Serve CPM based ads only when they can offer $2 as minimum eCPM rate.

9. Still not satisfied?

Well, there are a couple of ad networks that allows setting own CPM rate + PassBack ad tags. When Ad Network will not be able to get any ad for the CPM you set, Google Adsense ad will be served. There are some ad network, i.e. Epom that allows adding PassBack tag. In case of Epom, you need to contact their support team to provide PassBack tags and set minimum CPM rate. Please don’t forget to read our article about Best CPM Ad Networks before you go ahead to join them.

If you still have any queries, please let us know by comment.