Making calls to US, UK, France, Poland and Taiwan Toll Free Numbers from Abroad

Air canada Calling Skype

Toll Free numbers are specially made for the specific countries, and calling such numbers from abroad is not possible in general. Users don’t get any charge for making calls to those numbers. There may be times when you want to call a toll free number of another country. It is possible, but we know of 5 countries where you can call.

Here is the list of countries, numbers (prefix only) and Calling charge detail

Calling charge : 0 (no charge at all)

United States : +1 800, +1 888, +1 877, +1 866

United Kingdom : +44 800, +44 808, +44 500

France : +33 809, +33 805, +33 800

Poland : +48 800

Taiwan : +886 80

The number given above are the prefixes of Toll Free Numbers where you can call from abroad. Toll Free number must start with the give prefixes to make calls for free from anywhere in the world. So let’s know how can we make calls.

How to make calls to US, UK, France, Poland and Taiwan Toll Free Numbers from Overseas

  • Download Skype on your computer or smartphone. It is free to download, and you don’t need to subscribe any calling plan (Skip this if you already have Skype)
  • Launch Skype app, and Login with your Skype ID and and Password (Register yourself if you don’t have a Skype ID)
  • Click on Dial Pad icon (Note : in Smartphone, tap on Call Phones, and then Tap Dial Pad icon
  • From Dial Pad Window, Select Country, and Country Code will appear itself, and then type rest of the digits of that toll free number, and click on Call button

Skype Dialing

In the screenshot above I have dialed a US Toll Free Number (Air Canada). You can talk as long as you want, and it won’t cost even a single penny. If the service provider or company doesn’t have a toll free number, you can still use Skype to make call, but you need to add credit to Skype, or use your SIM Card to make call.

Note : Making calls to toll free numbers from Skype is free, but you may still  be charged for Cellular Data

Good Luck!