Possible Reasons You Keep Getting Computer Viruses

Although recent years have seen considerable advancements made in the field of cybersecurity, this doesn’t mean that computer viruses don’t continue to present a very real threat. Said viruses run the gamut from “minor annoyance” to “pressing emergency,” and taking the appropriate preventative measures can keep your computer safe and provide you with tremendous peace of mind. So, if you’ve yet to bolster your digital defenses, now would be the perfect time to step up to the plate and correct the following behaviors.


You Don’t Have Dedicated Antivirus Software

Operating systems are now released with many more security features than they used to. However, while this is absolutely a good thing, it’s resulted in many people lowering their guard and believing dedicated antivirus software is no longer needed. Needless to say, this type of thinking is liable to result in viruses and other cyber threats taking hold of your computer. So, in the interest of maximum security, make sure every PC you own is equipped with dependable antivirus software. 

In your search for the right antivirus software, look for programs from highly-rated developers that are known for creating reliable antivirus programs. Ideally, the antivirus software you select should be user-friendly, frequently updated, and up to the task of guarding your PC against an ever-increasing array of digital dangers. If you are interested in learning more, you can read this detailed article about computer infection types.

You Aren’t Installing Updates and Patches in a Timely Manner

Many of us have an unfortunate habit of dragging our feet with regard to installing operating system updates and patches – and frankly, it isn’t difficult to see why. After all, installing certain updates requires us to stop using our computers until the updates have been installed, and depending on the size of the update, the process may take a while. So, if you’re in the middle of working, browsing the web, or performing any other task on your computer, you may be tempted to place updates on the back burner.

However, it’s important to understand that many updates and patches are created to bolster your defenses against new and emerging viruses, malware, and other cyber threats. And the longer it takes you to install important updates, the more vulnerable your computer is likely to be. This is why it’s strongly recommended that you install updates as soon as they become available instead of putting them off for hours, days, or even longer. While this approach to updating your operating system may present some minor inconveniences, any annoyance you experience is well worth the protection important updates offer. To help ensure that you aren’t tempted to postpone updates, consider enabling your O.S. to install updates automatically.

In addition to keeping your operating system up to date, it’s imperative that you update web browsers and other essential software as needed. Like system updates, software updates are often created in response to security vulnerabilities.   

Your Browsing Habits Are Unsafe

Unsafe browsing habits are a common cause of virus and malware infection. So, if you regularly visit risky sites without a second thought, it’s in your best interest to promptly amend your browsing habits. Avoid any website that your browser, operating system, or antivirus software warns against visiting. If a site generates a security warning – or multiple security warnings – you better stay away from such websites. 

You should also steer away from sites that lack a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate, especially when passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information is involved. An SSL certificate protects sensitive info as it makes its way from a site to a server, so e-commerce websites without this level of security should be avoided. To determine whether a site is protected by an SSL certificate, simply look at the URL and confirm that it begins with “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP.” If the SSL certificate of the site is not valid, you will see a security warning on your browser that will recommend not to visit a website. To make sure that your browser checks such things, make sure you always keep your internet browser up to date.

Stay away from downloading pirated apps and software. This is the most common reason that your computer keeps getting the virus and other bugs. It’s very easy to tempt anyone to download something for free when it actually costs money when downloaded from a genuine source.


Carefree Email Behaviour

How many emails do you receive every day from your friends and relatives? Well, whatever that number is, you must be receiving a lot more spam emails compared to those you want to read. When you receive emails from an unknown sender and it has an attachment, delete them permanently. It’s a common hacking method that hackers use these days to hack or infect your computer. Never download or open such attachments. Sometimes the sender might be acting as your Bank and telling you that you have received your back statement or anything like that. To identify if this is sent from a genuine sender, you should check the sender’s email address. The email address must have the bank website address after @. For example, an email sent from American Express Bank should have the such format: sender@americanexpress.com. Don’t forget to contact the relevant department when in doubt. You may try these tips to avoid Spam Emails.

Switch to Linux or Mac (Optional)

Switching to Mac may not be possible for all as it costs a lot of money. However, Linux OS can be installed almost on all types of computers, and it’s 100% free to download and use. I would recommend Ubuntu build of Linux. I am not saying Linux or Mac is impossible to break, but they are far more secure compared to Windows OS. However, there are many apps that are not available for Mac and/or Linux. So you must first check this stuff before you switch.

Although many people engage in behaviors that would suggest the opposite, computer viruses remain a prevalent problem and present a very real threat to everyone on the web. Even if your computer has never fallen victim to virus infection, the absence of proper security measures means you’re only one misstep away from dealing with a cumbersome virus. Anyone who’s serious about protecting their computer from viruses and other cyber threats would do well to steer clear of the blunders outlined above.