Family Playground on has so much to offer
Scholastic is very popular among children and parents, they have got so much to offer for free. They have got free as well as paid services to offer, but your children can enjoy many great stuffs without spending a single penny on this website. We are not here to discuss the whole service they provide on their website, but only “Family Playground.”
What children can do on Scholastic’s Family Playground for Free
- Play Some Cool Games
- Read and Play Stories
- Watch Videos
- Print Some Cool Stuffs
The content on Scholastic is safe for children, and they haven’t got any inappropriate game, books or videos. So parents doesn’t have anything to worry as long as their children are on
Where to find Family PlayGround Stuffs on Scholastic
All the stuffs we mentioned above are located under Parents –> Play category on Scholastic. If you can’t locate it, you can Use This Link to go to this page directly. Once you are there, you can click on Game, Stories or other sub categories to browse. You can also click on Arrow Sign that located on the left as well as right (as shown in the image above).
1. Games on Scholastic
There are so many games on Scholastic that Children can enjoy. Some of them are as follows;
- Cosmic Match : Some cards are given in this game, and each card has a character on its opposite site, like Flash Cards. All you have to do it click on the card, and match the character. If you click the wrong card, you will come to know the character behind the card, and you need to remember. Next time when you find the same card, click on that to match.
- Galaxy Scramble : This games comes with some cool characters to match. It is a puzzle game where you need to drag and drop images to complete it. If you are stuck at some point, you can click on hint, and can even start a new Puzzle click on the given option.
- Word Match and Sound Match Game : These 2 games are fun to play, and these games are also helpful to boost your children knowledge. Under Word Match Game, Player need to match the words according to the instruction given on the screen. For example, one box shows the letter D and the other Shows G. All the words that starts with the letter D should be dropped into D box, and the words start with the letter G will go to the G box, just like shown in the image below. Sound Match Game also works the same way. Player is given a picture (example, Mug), and the player need to drop all the images into the box that begin with the same sound. Player can click on the image to listen to its sound.
There are many more games, like Concentration, Make a Word, Peek-a-boo Puppy, SandCastle Game, and so on… You can visit this page to see full list of games on Scholastic.
2. Read and Play Stories
There are just a limited number of stories on Scholastic. When you are on Family PlayGround Page, click the Stories option, and you will get the list of all stories. Simply click on any story you want to read/play. Children are given the option whether they want to read themselves or want the computer to read the story to them.
3. Videos on Scholastic
Videos Category on Scholastic has got some free videos to watch. You will see the list of video beneath the Video Player. Clicking on any video will start playing it. The size of the Video Player is very small, so all the users may not like, and you can’t even make it larger. However, the sound quality is perfect.
4. Printable Stuffs
There are some cool drawings and sketches on Scholastic that you can print. All the prints includes their website name, and URL. Printable stuffs are available in black & white as well as color. To get the print out, visit printable section on Scholastic, select a category, click the item you want to print, and hit the big Print button. If you have a Printer connected to your Computer, you can print it, else you can save it to print it later. After clicking on Print button, you get the PDF file on the screen, right-click on it, hit Save or Save As option, and save the file. It will be saved in PDF format, that you can print later.