SearchTempest is a perfect place to find Gadgets at cheap price
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SearchTempest is a classified that includes result from Craigslist, eBay and other websites. So how it can help you?
There are times when you don’t have enough budget to buy a brand new Smartphone, Tablet or any other stuff, and you look for a used one. Buying a used mobile is also a good choice if you want to keep changing your device and buy another model. When you want to sale a device you bought as brand new, you get so much of loss, but the resale value of a used device is very good. Sometimes you may also get profit from selling a used device if you kept it in good condition.
Craigslist and eBay are very popular for finding something at Cheaper price, but many users prefer Craigslist. However, what about a Classified that allows you to search in better way, and shows the result including Craigslist, eBay and other websites. Yes, SearchTempest does this.
SearchTempest allows to search items on a specific location putting the Zip or Postal Code. You can search within United States or outside US. You can select the category, put the keyword what you are looking for and hit Search. Now you will get the used as well as new devices in the list, that can be filtered to show the result with the lowest price first. Along with buying you can also sale your product by posting an ad there.
However, whenever you buy a used device, don’t forget to check the device properly for SIM Lock or iCloud lock (in case iOS device). Please check our guide to buying a used MacBook if you are looking for a MacBook. There are many instances of fraud that happens via Classified site, so please buy it carefully and meet the seller at safe place.
Here is the URL of this Classified Website :