Full List of Smileys & People Emojis, and Their Meanings
What are Emojis ?
Emojis are used to express feelings while chatting on WhatsApp, FaceBook, Hangout, and many other social Media Applications. Sometimes they speak unuttered words that people can’t dare to speak. Most of the devices come with preloaded emojis, and if you don’t see on your device, you can find many alternatives on PlayStore or App Store. We all use emojis during chat, but very few people know the actual meanings of all the emojis. If you are one of them, you have come the right place. I’ll let you know the true meaning of all the emojis.
Emojis are divided into multiple parts, that are as follows;
- Smileys & People
- Animal & Nature
- Food & Drink
- Activity
- Travel & Places
- Objects
- Symbols
- Flags
In this article, we will talk about Smileys & People Emojis only.
Smileys & People Emoji Meaning
What is the meaning of different types of Smileys and People emojis ?
? Grinning Face with round Eyes means you are pretty much happy.
? Grimacing Face with bared Teeth shows nervous or uncomfortable feelings.
? Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes shows incredibly happy feelings.
? Face with tears of joy indicates a face fully filled with joy or crying with laughter.
? Smiling Face with open Mouth shows more or less effusive smile to express joy or fun.
? Face with open mouth & smiling Eyes or Grinning face with squinting eyes expresses greater level of pleasure.
? Face with open mouth & tightly closed Eyes shows extreme level of happiness & joy.
? Face with open mouth & cold Sweat or grinning face with squinting eyes and sweat drop expresses joy with an element of relief.
? Face with winking Eye shows humorous intent as someone joking or sometimes may be flirting.
? Smiling Face with smiling or squinting Eyes shows true sense of happiness with a tinge of blush.
? Face savoring delicious foods or smiling face licking lips shows enjoyment of food.
? Smiling Face with sunglasses shows the coolness.
? Smiling face with heart shaped Eyes shows love, attraction for someone or something.
? Face blowing a kiss shows romance, also known as flying kiss.
? Kissing face with round Eyes shows innocent feelings of romance or kiss.
? Kissing Face with smiling/squinting Eyes shows kiss or affection.
? Kissing Face with closed Eyes expresses more intimate feelings of kiss as the eyes are closed.
☺️ White smiling Face shows sense of giggling, happiness in slightly humbled way.
? Slightly smiling Face with neutral Eyes shows formal smile or slightly happiness.
? Hugging Face shows a nice friendly hug.
? Smiling Face with Halo represents angelic feelings or a person with good deeds.
? Nerdy Face with glasses & buck Teeth is used to convey nerdy thoughts or ideas.
? Neutral Face with round Eyes doesn’t show any specific feeling, but a blank face.
? Thinking Face expresses deep thoughts.
? Face without Mouth shows silence. It’s used as “No comment”…No idea etc..
? Face with rolling Eyes represents boredom or disinterest about a person or topic.
? Smirking Face with annoyed Mouth shows cocky gestures or sly smile.
? Persevering Face expresses stress, perseverance, or helplessness in a situation.
? Disappointed but relieved Face shows stressful situation rather than disappointment.
? Surprised Face with open Mouth shows truly astonishment feeling, and may be impressment rather than fear.
? Hushed Face with high Eyebrows shows stunned or wordless feelings.
? Zipper mouth Face is used to ask someone keep the mouth shut or keep something secret. It’s also used when you are speechless and has nothing to talk about.
? Relieved Face indicates relief or calmness over a situation.
? Sleeping Face is used when you feel sleepy or tired while chatting/texting.
? Sleepy Face with snot bubble is used when someone is drowsy or heavy eyed.
? Weary/Tired Face shows tiredness, weariness or stress after some tough jobs.
? Face with stuck-out Tongue/Cheeky Face associates to the langue & gestures of kidding/joking.
? Face with stuck-out Tongue & Winking Eye is used over a crazy, wacky or funny situation.
? Face with stuck-out Tongue & Tightly closed Eyes indicates humorous or hilarious situation.
? Unamused Face indicates grumpy, dissatisfied or displeased situation.
? Confused Face shows confused, puzzled or perplexed feelings.
? Face with cold sweat & sad Mouth indicates stress, sadness or the hard work.
? Pensive Face indicates repenting, guilty or remorseful feelings.
? Upside-Down Face is used over silly, sarcastic or tipsy situations.
? Face with Thermometer is used for patient or a person caught by cold.
? Money-Mouth Face shows love or affection for money or wealth.
? Astonished Face is used for stun or astounded situations.
? Dizzy/Cross-Eye Face shows wobbly feelings or hangover after a drink.
? Face with Medical Mask indicates sick or contagious situations.
? Slightly Frowning Face with neutral Eyes indicates minor sadness & hopelessness.
? Face with Head-Bandage shows some injury or accident physically or metaphorically.
☹️ White Frowning Face shows unhappiness or sadness about something but not really.
? Confounded/Confused Face is used to show confusion or sometimes awkwardness.
? Face with look of Triumph is used to show anger or frustration over situations.
? Worried Face is used to show intense feelings of fear, shock or distress.
? Disappointed Face with disappointed Eyes is used to show displeasure or disappointment.
? Anguished Face shows a combination of disappointment with pain over situation.
? Crying Face shows feeling of hurt and heavy heart.
? Frowning Face with open Mouth is used to show scared & surprised feelings but some calls it a Yawning Face as well.
? Loudly Crying Face shows that you are strongly hurt or in pain.
? Face with open Mouth & cold Sweat shows fear & scary feelings.
? Fearful Face with shocked Eyes shows slightly shocked feelings over scary situation.
? Weary Face with crescent shaped Eyes shows tiredness and surrendering over situation.
? Face screaming in Fear is used to show terror & high level of fear.
? Flushed Face is used to show surprise, stunned or somewhat shocked feelings.
? Angry Face is used to show high level of anger.
? Japanese Goblin Face is used to show arrogance.
? Japanese Ogre/Evil Mask can be used when you have to show some devilish actions.
? Imp Emoji can be used when you have to take revenge from a friend in a horrifying way.
? Smiling Face with Horns can be used when you are going to do hilarious devilish activity.
? Skull Emoji is used to show the severity of hangover after a night out, either of dead itself or feeling dead.
? Ghost Emoji with stuck-out tongue is not scary but shows silliness in ghost costume on Halloween.
? Extraterrestrial Alien Head is used when you have to tell that you’re too high for some tasks.
? Robot Face Emoji is used when you want to express something robotic.
? Pile of Poo Emoji is used to express funny but shitty things.
? Happy/Smiling Cat Face with open Mouth & round Eyes is used to express laughter.
? Grinning Cat Face with smiling Eyes shows big grin or extreme level of happiness.
? Cat Face with tears of joy is used the same meaning as LMAO (Laughing my ass off).
? Smiling cat Face with heart shaped Eyes is used to show love or affection.
? Weary cat Face or Cat Face screaming in fear is used to show terror or even shock.
? Kissing cat Face with closed Eyes is used to show love & affection in an innocent way.
? Crying cat Face is used to express that you’re strongly hurt.
? Cat Face with wry Smile or Smirking car Face is used when you’ve to make a sly innuendo, you really don’t care.
? Pouting cat Face is used when you’re feeling grumpy.
Human Face, signs, profession etc. Emojis : Such emojis are available in various colors. For example, Boy face can be used in these colors; ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?
? Boy Face is used to express strong feelings like a boy or when you’re talking about a young boy. It is available in different colors;
? Girl Face is used to express about a young or relatively young woman.
? A Baby Face is used when a new friend is on the service.
? A Woman Face signifies an adult human female.
? A Man Face signifies an adult human male.
? Man with Chinese cap or Gua pi mao or Skullcap can be use to tell of a person with who belongs to a royal family. Gua pi mao hat was worn in Quing Dynasty.
? Police Officer or Policeman Emoji signifies “Be careful while you talking to me”.
? Older man Face with visible Wrinkles signifies grandpa, a well-experienced person.
? Older Woman Face with visible Wrinkles signifies grandma, an overly cautious personality.
? Person with blond Hair signifies a masculine personality.
? Construction Worker Face with helmet can be used to tell you are in construction job, and can also be used as safety/protection sign.
? Guardsman Face signifies a British guard, looks straight ahead all the time.
? Man with white Turban signifies wisdom & peace.
? Woman with white Turban also signifies wisdom & peace, and it is used by woman.
? Baby Angel Emoji with wings & blue Halo signifies a kind & helpful person.
? Fisted Hand or Closed First sign is used when you like to punch someone while that one talking non-sense.
? OK Hand sign signifies “That’s Good”, “I’m OK”, etc.
? Thumbs Down sign indicates gestures “Something Bad”, “Disapproved”, “Not Satisfied”.
? Thumbs Up sign indicates gestures like “Well done”, “Good Job”, “Encouragement” etc.
⛑ Helmet with White Cross signifies a protection reminder in construction zone. Met character (also known as Rockman) in Mega Man also wears such kind of hat (Hard hats in some strategy guides).
? Princess Face Emoji signifies ruler of principality. A self-esteem personality.
? ?️ Sleuth or Spy Man/Woman with a magnifying glass & wearing a hat can be used when you are cunning about something or feeling sneaky.
? Father Christmas/Santa Claus Emoji signifies a jolly old magical man that spread happiness, love & gifts to the world.
? Bride with Veil Emoji is used when you have to discuss about wedding, marriage, bride etc..
? Woman/Man getting head Massage Emoji is used when you really need a day off.
? Man/Woman Haircut with scissors Emoji can be used as a compliment for new haircut or if your hair cut is in process and you have to inform by typing.
? Man/Woman Frowning Emoji indicates some upset or distress situations.
? Man/Woman with Pouting Face is used when something doesn’t go your way and you get annoyed about it.
? Man/Woman Face with no good Gestures Emoji can be used when you don’t agree with someone’s ideas or suggestions. It indicates “No”, “No way”.
? Woman/Man Face with Ok gesture signifies OK sign. A girl with her arms above head is showing “Alright” gesture with the whole body.
? Information Desk Man/Woman Emoji (A woman or man with her hand’s palm facing upward) can be used if you are talking about some excited personal news or for liveliness situations.
? Happy Man/Woman raising one Hand Emoji signifies a person who’s ready to offer help or lend a hand at an information desk.
? Man/Woman bowing Deeply Emoji is used when you have to ask for forgiveness or say extremely sorry or convey gratitude. When you have done something really bad and have to apology for that.
? Person Raising both hands in celebration Emoji is used when you are enjoying your success or excitement or celebrating some really cool event.
? Person with folded or Pressed hands together Emoji is used when you want to say thanks. It can also be used in sense of praying. Some people also take this Emoji as high five. Sometimes people also use it to say Forgive me, I can’t help with this.
? Speaking Head in Silhouette Emoji signifies a person who is speaking out. This one is used to encourage someone and advise him/her to raise his/her voice. It also represents a rally or protesting.
? Bust in Silhouette Emoji also known as shadow of a person depicts a user.
? Busts in Silhouette Emoji also known as shadows of two people depicts users.
? Man/Woman Pedestrian Emoji also known as walking Emoji. If you are going for a walk or want to discuss something about walk can use this emoji.
? Male/Female Runner Emoji also known as running or jogging emoji. This emoji can also be used in sense of sports.
? Women/Man with Bunny ears Emoji generally is taken in sense of dancing & singing women/men, who amuse others by their act. It’s also used for showoff women/men. Some people use it as “let’s go for a party” (A party invitation).
? Dancer Emoji also known as Salsa dancer. This dancing lady is used to show some wild & crazy excitement or fun.
? Man in Business Suit Levitating Emoji also known as rude boy emoji. You can use this emoji when you nail some business deal.
? Man and Woman holding hands Emoji depicts a “relationship”.
? Two Men holding hands Emoji also known as gay couple Emoji. This emoji also depicts a friendship relationship between two persons.
? Two Women holding hands Emoji is also known as lesbian emoji. But two best friends can also use this emoji to show their friendship.
? Kiss or Couple kissing Emoji shows a couple in love.
?❤️?? Two Men kissing Emoji used for a gay couple kissing.
?❤️?? Two women kissing Emoji is used for lesbian kiss.
? Couple with Heart Emoji (pink heart) also known as couple in Love. This emoji is used for loving couple.
?❤️? Two Men with heart Emoji depicts love between a gay couple.
?❤️? Two Women with heart Emoji depicts love between a lesbian couple.
? Family Emoji containing father, mother and a boy/son child describes a family.
??? Family Emoji containing father, mother and a girl child also describes a family.
???? Family Emoji containing father, mother, a girl child & a boy child describes a perfect family.
??? Family Emoji containing two men & a boy child describes a gay family.
??? Family Emoji containing two men & a girl child also describes a gay family.
???? Family Emoji containing two men & two children (boy, girl) signifies a gay family.
???? Family Emoji containing two men & two children (boy, boy) signifies a gay family.
???? Family Emoji containing two men & two children (girl, girl) signifies a gay family.
??? Family Emoji containing two women & a boy child signifies a lesbian family.
??? Family Emoji containing two women & a girl child signifies a lesbian family.
???? Family Emoji containing two women & two children (boy, girl) signifies a lesbian family.
???? Family Emoji containing two women & two children (boy, boy) signifies a lesbian family.
???? Family Emoji containing two women & two children (girl, girl) signifies a lesbian family.
? Flexed Biceps Emoji describes power or strength.
? Left pointing backhand index Emoji is a symbol or punctuation mark. It’s used pointing towards left.
? Right pointing backhand index Emoji is a symbol or punctuation mark. It’s used while pointing towards right.
☝️ Up pointing index Emoji is used to ask a question (in a class or a meeting) or signifies number one.
? Up pointing backhand index Emoji is a symbol or punctuation mark. It’s used pointing upward.
? Reversed Hand with middle finger extended Emoji is not taken in good meaning. It’s used as abusive gesture, F*** You! Now you know what Middle Finger Emoji Mean, but use it wisely.
? Down pointing Back Hand Index Emoji is used if you want to point something out placed down by extending one finger down.
✌️ Victory Hand Emoji also known as “V sign”. It is shown by the person who wins, but it also represents calmness, coolness or peace.
? Raised Hand with split between Middle and Ring Fingers Emoji also known as “Spock Emoji”. This Emoji is assumed tribute to “Leonard Nimoy”. Also this signifies Hebrew letter shin.
? Sign of the horns Emoji is also known as “Devil Fingers Emoji”. This symbol is used if you want to say “Rock on”.
? Raised Hand with Fingers Splayed Emoji also known as “Five Hand”. It’s used in the meaning of “waving hand”.
✋ Raised Hand Emoji also known as “High Five” Emoji. But some people also used it in meaning of “Please Stop”.
✊ Raised Fist Emoji also known as “Fist Pump” Emoji. It’s a symbol of unity, strength.
? Waving Hand Emoji is used in meaning of “Good Bye” or “Hello”.
? Clapping Hands Emoji also known as “applause”Emoji. It’s used when you have to appreciate someone’s effort.
? Open Hands Emoji also known as “Hug” or “Jazz” Emoji. It represents either “openness” or a “hug”.
✍️ Writing Hand Emoji signifies when you have to write something or you writing.
? Nail Polish Emoji also known as “beauty” Emoji. It’s used when you are pretty busy painting nails than talking anyone else.
? Ear Emoji also known as hearing emoji signifies “listening” or “hearing”.
? Nose Emoji also known as “sniffing” Emoji signifies “smelling” pleasant or may be unpleasant.
? Red color Footprints Emoji that looks like someone has walked on blood is actually used to tell that you are going through very difficult situation, and it’s because you have committed a crime or a big mistake. It can also be used to tell someone has come or at the door.
? Paw Prints emoji can be used to tell that your pet has done something terrible, and put itself into trouble.
? A pair of Eyes Emoji is used in sense of staring or looking at something or someone. Also people use this emoji in the sense of “OMG, really”.
? Graduation Cap or College/University Emoji is used in sense of “Completion an academic degree” or “graduation ceremony”.
? Lipstick or Makeup Emoji is used in sense of “getting ready” to attend a party or event.
? Ring Emoji also known as “Engagement ring” Emoji signifies proposal or engagement to be married.
? ☔️ Closed Umbrella or Umbrella with raindrops Emoji is used prior to going in-door from outdoor activity in Rain or sun.
? Briefcase Emoji also known as “suitcase” Emoji is used to discuss about “office” or “office trip”.
? Top Hat Emoji signifies a Magician, Monopoly, Drama, theater or performing art. Also this hat is used as formal wear.
? Straw Hat or Woman’s Hat Emoji signifies “Sun protection” or “Fashion”. It’s used when females attending a “Garden party” or enjoying “Beach”.
? Crown or King/Queen Emoji signifies a “King”, “Queen” or any other form of “Royalty”. It’s used to show “bossy attitude”. Also it’s used in sense of “I’m Miss World”.
? Single Eye Emoji is used in sense of “Look out”. Some people use it in sense of “The message has been read”.
? Tongue or Sticking Out Emoji can be used in sense of taste something. Some people also take this sticking out tongue as a childish sign of disobedience.
? Mouth or Lips Emoji signifies talking or speaking about something or someone. Some people also use it as “Kissing”.
? Dark Sunglasses Emoji is used in sense of appearance “Cool” or if you are in sunny area.
? Kiss Mark or Kissing Lips Emoji is a mark left after a kiss. This Emoji is more tempting than a “Kiss Face”. People who are deeply in love with someone use this Emoji most.
? Eye Glasses or Human Spectacles Emoji is used to describe Myopia (Nearsightedness) or hyperopia (Farsightedness) people.
? Necktie or Business Shirt Emoji signifies “A man looking handsome”.
? Jeans or Pant Emoji can be used to tell you are wearing a jeans or you have bought a jeans or you are going to buy jeans.
? T-Shirt or Polo Shirt Emoji is used to tell someone during chat that you are wearing a T-Shirt (If asked). You can also use it tell; you are going to buy a T-Shirt or You have bought a T-Shirt.
? Dress or Skirt Emoji is used for a girl who has to attend a Ball, club, Party or other event.
? Kimono or Japanese Dress Emoji signifies a Japanese man or woman. Some people also use it in sense of nightgown.
? Bikini or Swimsuit Emoji signifies a girl is going for swimming or bathing. It’s also used if you are already at pool or beach.
? Woman’s Shirt Emoji is used when you are asked what you are wearing, and you have worn a shirt. It can also be used to tell someone you have bought a shirt of going to buy.
? Purse or Wallet Emoji is used in sense of “Carry Money or Coins”. Some females use it if they are going out to spend money.
? Handbag or Women’s Bag Emoji is used in sense of girly packing. Some females use it in ways of “Fashion” or “ Windows Shopping”.
? Pouch or Clutch Emoji is used by more fashionable girls who love to carry just cosmetic with herself on events.
? School Bag or Backpack Emoji is used for school going children. This Emoji is also used if you are traveling or going for hiking.