How to uninstall Torrents Time App from Mac and Windows

Uninstall Torrents Time

Torrent Apps and Websites are very popular among users that allow downloading Movies, Music, TV Shows, Apps and almost everything for free. Most of the pirated contents are downloaded using Torrents apps. Well, we are not going to give a lecture on piracy but will tell you about a Torrents Time App.

Torrents Time is not really an application, but an extension for Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. This extension allows streaming Videos without downloading them. If you have got a link of Torrent Video, you can stream it. However, Contents of Torrent involves greater risk, and when you install it on your computer and its extension on internet browsers, you are inviting more troubles eventually. Usually, Torrent files are not tested for Malware and Viruses, and it may easily infect your computer. So you may want to get rid of Torrents Time.

How to Remove Torrents Time from Mac OS X and Windows

Instruction for Mac Users

  • Launch Finder app on your Mac
  • Press Command+Shift+G key to getting the Go to Folder option, Or you can click on Go, and select Go to Folder
  • Now you need to delete these files from each folder. Copy and Paste the folder path in Go to Folder, and delete the file. Do the same again until all mentioned files are deleted. Right-click on file and select Move to Trash. You will be asked to enter Admin Password every time you delete a file or folder

 Delete File   com.torrents-time.helper.plist   From   /Library/LaunchDaemons/

Delete File  com.torrents-time.helper   From   /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/

Delete File  com.torrents-time.plist   From   /Library/Preferences/

Delete Folder  com.torrents-time   From   /Library/Application Support/

After removing those files and folder, you need to restart your computer to clean Trash. You can’t remove those from Trash until you Restart your Mac.

Instruction for Windows Users

Mac users can uninstall Torrents Time app going to Control Panel, and Program Uninstaller. You can uninstall Torrents Time app the same way you uninstall any other program.

After uninstalling Torrents Time app. Launch File Explorer, and go to C: drive –> Program Files (X86), and check if there is Torrents Time or Pirate Bay Folder, remove the whole Folder.

Note : Also check Torrents Time Extension in your internet browsers, and remove from there if it still exists