URL Shortener : Why to use, where to shorten, and how to make money with it

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Shorten URL when you can’t enter more characters

URL Shortener got its popularity after Twitter launch. Twitter allows just 140 character that is less than standard SMS size, that is 160 character. However, you don’t even get to enter 140 characters if you add an image in your tweet. After adding an image, you get to enter 116 character. You can’t even type 116 character if you want to share image and URL. Some URLs are really long and messy. This is where you need URL Shortener.

URL Shortener can shorten even a 90 characters URL into 20 character, and don’t really exceed 20. You can share such URL easily on Social Media or anywhere you run out of space.

Update : Shortening URL is useless for Twitter Account

URL Shortener to track visitors and clicks

It helps to track visitors. For example : If you shorten a URL on https://goo.gl/it keeps the record of the URL you have shorten, and shows how many click you have received on each URL you have shortened. You can also click on Detail option to check where visitors are coming from, as it shows the locations where the shorten URLs were clicked. Have a look at the screenshot below

URL Shortner to track visitors

There is one down side of URL Shortener services. If you are working on Site’s SEO to rank your article in Search Engine, it may have bad effect on your site. Bloggers and SEO expert suggests to include your Keyword in the URL as well, and when you use URL shortener, the actual words from the URL disappears.

URL Shorteners are good way to share your content, but make sure you use only trusted websites. If a URL Shortener website is hacked, it may change replace the existing link with something else, that will lead the clickers to Malware and Viruses, because a shortened URL doesn’t even indicates where it leads.

Quick Way to Shorten any visited WebPage’s URL

If you don’t want to visit any URL Shortener website every time you want to shorten a URL, we have found a solution for you.

  • Add Google (goo.gl) chrome extension from here
  • Once added, it will appear at the top right corner on Chrome Browser
  • Whenever you visit any Web Page, and want to shorten URL, just click on goo.gl extension, and you will get the shorten URL instantly
  • After Shortening URL, it gives you three options : (1) Copy (2) Details (3) QR Code. You can copy and share anywhere you want. Details option take you to another page where it shows the detailed view of the shorten URL, like count of hits, visitors location etc.. QR Code can be scanned to open the Web Page on your Smartphone or Tablet

Quick Way to Shorten URL

These are 2 most popular URL Shortener



There are many more that can be used, but as we told earlier, use only trusted sites. So take care of this.

Make Money with URL Shortener

There are some URL Shortener services that allows you to earn some cash while sharing the shortened URL. So How does it work?

When you share a shortened URL anywhere, and people click on it, they will see an ad of few seconds, and then they can skip the ad, and go to actual page. The secret to earn more cash is to share appealing content only. You get paid for each click. You may not be able to share such Shortened URLs on many Social Media websites. Before you start earning with such websites, you need to register with them, and it doesn’t cost even a dime.

URLs that allows you to monetize shortened URL

https://adf.ly/ (Most Popular)





Note : Please shorten URL on your own risk and share. We don’t represent any of those websites, and don’t guarantee whether they will pay you or not.